This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. All information will help inform the work of the West River Valley Thrives (WRVT).
This survey should only take a few minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. As of August 2021, what grade is one of your children in

ALCOHOL -  When questions refer to drinking alcohol, this includes drinking beer, wine, wine coolers, rum, gin, etc. For these questions, drinking alcohol does NOT include drinking a few sips of wine for religious purposes.

Question Title

* 2. I think _______ of the kids my child’s age drink alcohol at least occasionally. (Choose one)

Question Title

* 3. Underage drinking concerns me because:    (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. At what age do you think it is OK to drink alcohol? * (Check one)

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* 5. Do you know parents who host parties where alcohol is available or served to teens? (Choose one)

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* 6. How often do you feel concerned about what your child may/may not be doing after school?

Question Title

* 7. How likely is it that your child would be able to access alcohol kept in your home without your knowledge? (Choose one)

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* 8. During the past 12 months, how many times have you talked with your children about alcohol use? (Choose One)

Question Title

* 9. Check the one response in each row that best describes your opinion.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
Teenagers are going to drink and there’s nothing I can do about it.                                                                                      
It’s OK to allow teenagers to drink alcohol on special occasions.
It’s OK to allow teenagers to drink at home.
I think underage drinking is a problem.
It’s a waste of time to talk to my child about underage drinking because they wouldn’t listen anyway.                          

Question Title

* 10. How likely are you to…? (Check one answer per row)

  Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always N/A - Never
Ask your child if alcohol will be present at a party or social gathering.                                                         
Call to verify that a parent or other responsible adult will be present at a party or social event.                       
Allow your child to drink alcohol in your home.